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/Microsoft Active Directory

Microsoft Active Directory backgroundMicrosoft Active Directory
Microsoft Active Directory backgroundMicrosoft Active Directory
Network And Security Tools
ISAMMicrosoft ExchangePostfixAxigenDNSIBM Security Directory Server(ISDS)Microsoft Active Directory

Microsoft Active Directory Monitoring

Active Directory monitoring includes the following:

Related parameters of users: 

  1. User Status
  2. Number Of Users
  3. Title
  4. First Name
  5. Last Name
  6. User Name
  7. Organization Unit
  8. Phone Number
  9. Email-Address
  10. Member Of
  11. Account Expire Date
  12. Password Expire Date
  13. Password Last Set Date
  14. Create Date
  15. Change Date
  16. Logon Count
  17. Bad Password Count
  18. Bad Password Time
  19. Lock Out Time

Computers related to computers:

  1. User Status
  2. Number Of Computer
  3. Name
  4. DNS Name
  5. Operating System
  6. Version
  7. Domain Name

Parameters related to groups: 

  1. Name
  2. Number Of Groups
  3. Type
  4. Organization Unit
  5. Number Of Members
  6. Number Of Active Members
  7. Domain Name
  8. Members
  9. Create Date
  10. Change Date

Policy related parameters: 

  1. User Status
  2. Policy Name
  3. Domain Name
  4. Distinguished Name
  5. Create Date
  6. Change Date

Parameters related to organizational units:

  1. Name
  2. Number Of OUs
  3. Manager
  4. Domain Name
  5. Number Of Users
  6. Create Date
  7. Change Date


  1. DNS Service Availability
  2. Active Directory Service Availability
  3. AB Client Sessions
  4. DS Notify Queue Size
  5. NTFRS CPU Usage
  6. NTFRS Handle Count
  7. NTFRS Process File Reads
  8. NTFRS Process File Writes
  9. NTFRS Process Memory
  10. LSASS CPU Usage
  11. LSASS Handle Count
  12. LSASS Process File Reads
  13. LSASS Process File Write
  14. LSASS Process Memory
  15. DS Client Binds Rate
  16. DS Server Binds Rate
  17. DS Read Rate
  18. DS Write Rate
  19. NTLM Authentication
  20. Kerberos Authentication
  21. LDAP Active Threads
  22. LDAP Bind Time
  23. LDAP Client Sessions
  24. LDAP Searches Rate
  25. LDAP UDP Operation Rate
  26. LDAP Writes Rate
  27. Replication Object Applied Rate
  28. Replication Inbound Remaining Update
  29. Replication Inbound Object Rate
  30. Replication Outbound Object Rate
  31. Total Replication Inbound Rate
  32. Replication Outbound Rate
  33. Number Of Computers
  34. Number Of Disabled Computers
  35. Number Of Last Month Disabled Users
  36. Number Of Users
  37. Number Of Locked Users
  38. Number Of Disabled Users
  39. Number Of Last Month Disabled Users
  40. Number Of Expired Password Users
  41. Number Of Never Logon Users
  42. Number Of Last Month Logged On Users
  43. Number Of Last Month Users With Unsuccessful Login Attempt
  44. Number Of Next Month Expired Users
  45. Number Of Next Month Expired Account
  46. Number Of Organization Units
  47. Number Of Groups
  48. Number Of Security Groups
  49. Number Of Distribution Groups
  50. Number Of Groups Without Members
Network And Security Tools
ISAMMicrosoft ExchangePostfixAxigenDNSIBM Security Directory Server(ISDS)Microsoft Active Directory
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155