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Network And Security Tools
ISAMMicrosoft ExchangePostfixAxigenDNSIBM Security Directory Server(ISDS)Microsoft Active Directory

Postfix Monitoring

Postfix is a free and open-source email transfer agent. Moein monitoring system has the capability of monitoring this mail agent. Moein collects various metrics of transferred messages, postfix resource usages and send and receive traffic and etc. The following is a list of the performance metrics for postfix:

  1. Postfix CPU Usage
  2. Postfix Uptime
  3. Postfix Filesystem Total Space
  4. Postfix Filesystem Free Space
  5. Postfix Filesystem Used Space
  6. Postfix Filesystem Space Used Percentage
  7. Postfix Filesystem Free Space Percentage
  8. Postfix Free Memory
  9. Postfix Used Memory
  10. Postfix Memory Used Percentage
  11. Postfix Free Memory Percentage
  12. Postfix Total Memory

Message metrics: 

  1. Received Messages
  2. Delivered Messages
  3. Forwarded Messages
  4. Deferred Messages
  5. Bounced Messages
  6. Rejected Messages
  7. Rejected Warnings
  8. Held Messages
  9. Discarded Messages
  10. Bytes Received
  11. Bytes Delivered
  12. Senders
  13. Sending Hosts/Domains
  14. Recipients
  15. Recipients Hosts/Domains

Average traffic Metrics:

  1. Time
  2. Received
  3. Delivered
  4. Deferred
  5. Bounced
  6. Rejected

Information of sent messages: 

  1. Domain/Host
  2. Sent Count
  3. Bytes
  4. Defers
  5. Average Delay
  6. Max Delay

Received message statistics: 

  1. Domain/Host
  2. Sent Count
  3. Bytes

Sender messages statistics:

  1. Domain/Host
  2. Sent Count

message Recipients statistics: 

  1. Host
  2. Sent Count

message Senders statistics: 

  1. Domain/Host
  2. Sent Size


Communication Protocols:

  • SNMP v1, V2, V3
Network And Security Tools
ISAMMicrosoft ExchangePostfixAxigenDNSIBM Security Directory Server(ISDS)Microsoft Active Directory
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155