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Application Servers
JbossTomcatWebLogic ServerIBM DMGRSpring BootWebSphere Application Server

Tomcat Monitoring

Apache Tomcat is an open-source web and servlet container that can host Java-based web applications. Tomcat is one of the most popular application servers in the world due to its open-source, ease of use and deployment nature, as well as its stability. Moein monitoring system provides Tomcat monitoring capability to its users. In this regard, the Key performance indicators related to Java Virtual Machine (JVM) including memory, Garbage Collectors, Thread Pools, Connection Pools, ClassLoading, as well as Request Processor and Manager metrics are observed and collected. List of these performance indicators includes the following.


Tomcat application server monitoring includes the following: 


  1. Receive Rate
  2. Transmit Rate
  3. Error Count
  4. Maximum Time
  5. Processing Time
  6. Request Count
  7. Failed Requests
  8. Average Processing Time
  9. Request Rate


  1. Threads Count
  2. Total Strated Thread
  3. Peak Thread Count
  4. Daemon Thread Count


  1. Total Loaded Class
  2. Loaded Class
  3. Unloaded Class


  1. Open File Descriptor
  2. Maximum File Descriptor
  3. Committed Virtual Memory
  4. Total Swap Space
  5. Free Swap Space
  6. Used Swap Space
  7. Swap Space Usage
  8. Free Memory Size
  9. Total Memory Size
  10. CPU Usage
  11. Process CPU Usage
  12. Average CPU Usage
  13. Host Used Memory
  14. Response Time



  1. Used Memory
  2. Maximum Memory
  3. Commited Memory
  4. Free Memory
  5. Memory Usage
  6. Used Heap Memory
  7. Maximum Heap Memory
  8. Committed Heap Memory
  9. Free Heap Memory
  10. Heap Memory Used Percentage
  11. Used Non-Heap Memory
  12. Maximum Non-Heap Memory
  13. Committed Non-Heap Memory
  14. Free Non-Heap Memory
  15. Non-Heap Memory Usage


GarbageCollector :

  1. Garbage Collection Count
  2. Garbage Collection Time
  3. Garbage Collection Average Time
  4. GC Rate


  1. Busy Threads
  2. Threads Count
  3. Maximum Threads
  4. Running State
  5. Connections Count
  6. Threads Used Percentage

Tomcat.thread Pool.en


  1. State
  2. Active Sessions
  3. Sessions Count
  4. Average Sessions Alive Time
  5. Rejected Sessions
  6. Maximum Sessions Alive Time
  7. Expired Sessions
  8. Maximum Active Sessions


  1. Active Connections
  2. Idle Connections
  3. Max Of Active Connection

Tomcat.data Source.en


  1. Uptime
  2. StartTime


  1. Processing Time
  2. StartTime
  3. Request Count
  4. Error Count


  1. Bytes Sent
  2. Bytes Received
  3. Processing Time
  4. Requests Count
  5. Error Count
  6. Receive Rate
  7. Transmit Rate
  8. Average Processing Time

Tomcat.request Processors.en

Communication Protocols:

  •  REST
Application Servers
JbossTomcatWebLogic ServerIBM DMGRSpring BootWebSphere Application Server
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155