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/CoolingSystem Uniflair BREF

CoolingSystem Uniflair BREF backgroundCoolingSystem Uniflair BREF
CoolingSystem Uniflair BREF backgroundCoolingSystem Uniflair BREF
Environmental Devices
UPSCoolingSystem APC ACRCDiesel Generator Deep SEACoolingSystem Tavan SarmaCoolingSystem Uniflair UG40/MP40CoolingSystem Uniflair BREF

CoolingSystem Uniflair BREF Monitoring


Performance indicators and parameters of CoolingSystem Uniflair BREF monitored by Moein are:

Device General Info:

  1. Alias Name
  2. Address
  3. Port Number
  4. Availability
  5. Manufacturer
  6. Cooling Type

Alarm and Stats:

  1. System Status
  2. Compressor 1 ON 25 Percent Step
  3. Compressor 1 ON 50 Percent Step
  4. Compressor 1 ON 75 Percent Step
  5. Compressor 1 ON 100 Percent Step
  6. Compressor 2 ON 25 Percent Step
  7. Compressor 2 ON 50 Percent Step
  8. Compressor 2 ON 75 Percent Step
  9. Compressor 2 ON 100 Percent Step
  10. Pump 1 ON State
  11. Pump 2 ON State
  12. Free Cooling Pump ON State
  13. Antifreeze Heaters State
  14. Regulated Condensing Fans
  15. Winter Mode
  16. Antifreeze 1 Alarm
  17. Antifreeze 2 Alarm
  18. Water Tank Temperature Sensor State
  19. Compressor 1 Status
  20. Compressor 2 Status
  21. Compressor 1 Total State
  22. Compressor 2 Total State

Sensor Values:

  1. Water Outlet Temperature
  2. Water Outlet Temperature Used By Regulator
  3. Water Inlet Temperature
  4. Water Tank Temperature
  5. Outdoor Air Temperature
  6. Circuit 1 Condensing Pressure
  7. Circuit 2 Condensing Pressure
  8. Circuit 1 Fan Speed Module Ramp
  9. Circuit 2 Fan Speed Module Ramp
  10. Delivery Water Temperature Summer STD Set Point
  11. Delivery Water Temperature Summer OPT Set Point
  12. Circuit 1 Suction Pressure
  13. Circuit 2 Suction Pressure
  14. Compressor 1 Current
  15. Compressor 2 Current


Configuration and Setpoints:

  1. Free Cooling Pump Operation Time Duration
  2. Compressor 1 Operation Time Duration
  3. Compressor 2 Operation Time Duration
  4. Unit Type


Environmental Devices
UPSCoolingSystem APC ACRCDiesel Generator Deep SEACoolingSystem Tavan SarmaCoolingSystem Uniflair UG40/MP40CoolingSystem Uniflair BREF
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155