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Z/OS backgroundZ/OS
Z/OS backgroundZ/OS
Operating Systems
Z/OSWindows and Linux operating systems

Z/OS Monitoring

 z/OS , a widely used mainframe operating system , which provides high availability for applications running in its environment due to its secure structure and high scalability. Moein has the capability of monitoring this operating system.


Z / OS operating system monitoring includes the following: 

MVS Information: 

  1. Name Of Logical Partition
  2. Operating System Type
  3. MVS System Name
  4. SMF ID
  5. WLM Vary CPU Management Enabled
  6. WLM LPAR Weight Management Enabled

CPC Information: 

  1. Machine Family
  2. Machine Type
  3. Serial Number
  4. Capacity
  5. Number Of CP Engines
  6. Number Of ICF/IFL/AAP Engines
  7. Number Of ICF Engines
  8. Number Of IFL Engines
  9. Number Of AAP Engines
  10. Number Of IIP Engines
  11. Number Of Dedicated CP Engines
  12. Number Of Dedicated AAP Engines
  13. Number Of Dedicated IIP Engines
  14. Number Of Shared CP Engines
  15. Number Of Shared AAP Engines
  16. Number Of Shared IIP Engines
  17. Number Of Configured Partitions

Sysplex Information: 

  1. Sysplex Name
  2. Service Definition Name
  3. Service Definition Installation Time
  4. Name Of Active WLM Service Policy
  5. Activation Time Of WLM Service Policy

z/OS KPIs:

  1. I/O Activity Rate
  2. CPU Utilization (CP) By MVS Image
  3. Top N Of I/O Activity Rate By Volume
  4. Max Of I/O Activity Rate By Volume
  5. Top N Of I/O Intensity By Volume
  6. Max Of I/O Intensity By Volume
  7. Top N Of Queue Time By Volume
  8. Max Of Queue Time By Volume
  9. Top N Of Response Time By Volume
  10. Max Of Response Time By Volume
  11. Top N Of % Delay By Dataset Name
  12. Max Delay By Dataset Name
  13. Top N Of % Using By Dataset Name
  14. Max Of % Using By Dataset Name
  15. Top N Of % Using (CP) By Job
  16. Max Of Using (CP) By Job
  17. Top N Of Working Set By Job
  18. Max Of Working Set By Job
  19. Top N Of Percent Working Set By Job
  20. Max Of Percent Working Set By Job
  21. Top N Of Total Byte Read/Sec By Channel Path
  22. Max Of Total Byte Read/sec By Channel Path
  23. Top N Of Total Byte Write/Sec By Channel Path
  24. Max Of Total Byte Write/sec By Channel Path


Storage KPIs:

  1. Available Frames
  2. Online Frames
  3. Number Of LSQA/SWA/EUKYSP Allocated Pages Above 16MB
  4. Number Of LSQA/SWA/UKYSP Pages Allocated Below 16MB
  5. Number Of User Region Pages Allocated Above 16MB
  6. Number Of User Region Pages Allocated Below 16MB
  7. Active Frame Percentage
  8. Available Frame Percentage
  9. CSA Frames Percentage
  10. Idle Frames Percentage
  11. LPA Frames Percentage
  12. NUC Frames Percentage
  13. SQA Frames Percentage
  14. Available Frames And Slots
  15. Number Of 1 MB Frames Backed In Real
  16. Number Of 64 Bit Common Memory Objects
  17. Number Of Common AUX Slots
  18. Number Of Common Frames Backed In Real
  19. Number Of Common Frames Fixed In Real
  20. Number Of Large Memory Objects
  21. Number Of Shared Frames
  22. Number Of Shared Memory Objects
  23. 1MB Frame Percentage
  24. Common Frames Used Percentage
  25. Shared Frames Used Percentage
  26. Number Of CSA Defined Frames
  27. CSA Defined Frames Utilization Percentage
  28. Number Of ECSA Defined Frames
  29. ECSA Defined Frames Utilization Percentage
  30. Number Of SQA Defined Frames
  31. SQA Defined Utilization Percentage
  32. Number Of ESQA Defined Frames
  33. ESQA Defined Utilization Percentage


Volumes KPIs:

  1. Provide A List Of Volumes 
  2. Volume I/O Activity Rate
  3. Volume I/O Intensity
  4. Volume Queue Time
  5. Volume Response Time


Datasets KPIs:

  1. Provide A List Of Datasets 
  2. Delay By Dataset Percent
  3. Using By Dataset Percent


Jobs KPIs:

  1. Provide A List Of Jobs
  2. Job CP Usage
  3. Job Storage
  4. Job Storage Used Percentage


Channels KPIs:

  1. Provide A List Of Channels 
  2. Channel Read Rate
  3. Channel Write Rate



Communication Protocols:

  • RMF
Operating Systems
Z/OSWindows and Linux operating systems
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155