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IBM Integration Bus backgroundIBM Integration Bus
IBM Integration Bus backgroundIBM Integration Bus
Service Provisioning Tools
IBM Data Power GatewayIBM Integration BusIBM WSRR

IBM Integration Bus Monitoring

IBM Integration Bus (IIB) can be used in order to connect applications together, regardless of the message formats or protocols that they support. It routes, transforms, and enriches messages from one location to any other location. Moein monitoring system is capable of monitoring this integration bus tool. Performance metrics of integration servers, applications, flows and their nodes are collected. The following is a list of performance indicators for IIB:


Integration Node KPIs:

  1. Admin Security State
  2. IIB Node Running State
  3. IIB Node Number Of Integration Servers
  4. IIB Node Number Of Applications
  5. IIB Node Number Of Flows

Integration Servers KPIs:

  1. Integration Server Running Status
  2. Integration Server Number Of Applications
  3. Integration Server Number Of Flows
  4. JVM Initial Memory
  5. JVM Used Memory In Integration Server
  6. JVM Committed Memory In Integration Server
  7. JVM Total Memory In Integration Server
  8. Integration Servers Total GCs Time
  9. Integration Servers Total GCs Count
  10. Integration Servers Total Garbage Collection Rate
  11. Integration Servers Total GCs Time At Last Period
  12. Integration Servers Average GC Time
  13. Initial Heap Memory
  14. Used Heap Memory
  15. Committed Heap Memory
  16. Max Heap Memory
  17. Heap Memory Used Percentage
  18. Initial Non-Heap Memory
  19. Used Non-Heap Memory
  20. Committed Non-Heap Memory
  21. Max Non-Heap Memory
  22. Non Heap Memory Used Percentage
  23. ODBC Failed Execution
  24. ODBC Active Connections
  25. ODBC Closed Connections
  26. ODBC Error Connections
  27. ODBC Successful Execution
  28. Parser Threads
  29. Parser Approximate Memory
  30. Max Of Parsed Streams
  31. Max Of Written Streams
  32. Parser Fields
  33. Parser Reads
  34. Parser Writes
  35. Parser Failed Reads
  36. Parser Failed Writes
  37. Total Open Sockets
  38. Socket Total Messages
  39. Socket Total Sent Data
  40. Socket Total Received Data
  41. Sent Messages With Size 0 To 1KB
  42. Sent Messages With Size 100KB To 1MB
  43. Received Messages With Size 0 To 1KB
  44. Received Messages With Size 100KB To 1MB
  45. Sent Messages With Size 1 To 10KB
  46. Sent Messages With Size 1 To 10MB
  47. Sent Messages Over 10MB
  48. Received Messages With Size 1 To 10KB
  49. Received Messages With Size 1 To 10MB
  50. Received Messages Over 10MB
  51. Sent Messages With Size 10 To 100KB
  52. Received Messages With Size 10 To 100KB
  53. dotNET Explicit Number Of GCs
  54. dotNET Completed GEN0 GCs
  55. dotNET Completed GEN1 GCs
  56. Completed GEN2 GCs
  57. dotNET GC Total Committed In All Heaps
  58. dotNET GC Total Reserved In All Heaps
  59. dotNET GC GEN0 Heap Size
  60. dotNET GC GEN1 Heap Size
  61. dotNET GC GEN2 Heap Size
  62. dotNET GC Large Object Heap Size
  63. dotNET GC Promoted Object Size From GEN0 To GEN1
  64. dotNET GC Promoted Object Size From GEN1 To GEN2
  65. MQTT Subscriber Received Data
  66. MQTT Publisher Sent Data
  67. MQTT Closed Connections
  68. MQTT Failed Connections
  69. MQTT Subscriber Received Messages
  70. MQTT Publisher Sent Messages
  71. MQTT Open Connections
  72. JMS Open Connections
  73. JMS Closed Connections
  74. JMS Open Sessions
  75. JMS Closed Sessions
  76. Received Messages By JMS Receive Or JMS Input
  77. JMS Sent Messages
  78. Browsed Messages By JMS Receive
  79. JMS Failure Connections


JDBC ConnectionPool KPIs of Integration Node:

  1. JDBC Maximum Size Of Connection Pool
  2. JDBC Connections In The Pool
  3. JDBC Number Of Connection Pool Requests
  4. JDBC Number Of Delayed Requests
  5. JDBC Maximum Wait Time
  6. JDBC Timeout Requests


Garbage Collection KPIs of Integration Node::

  1. Garbage Collection Count
  2. Garbage Collection Rate
  3. Garbage Collection Time
  4. Average Garbage Collection Time

Application 's KPIs :

  1. list of applications
  2. Application Running Status
  3. Application Deploy Date
  4. Application Start Date
  5. Application Modification Date
  6. Application Number Of Flows


flow's KPIs:

  1. list of flows
  2. Flow Number Of Nodes
  3. Flow Start Date
  4. Flow Modification Date
  5. Flow Running Status
  6. Input Message Rate
  7. Average ElapsedTime/Message
  8. Average CPU Time Per Message
  9. Total Elapsed Time
  10. Flow Maximum Elapsed Time
  11. Flow Minimum Elapsed Time
  12. Total CPU Time
  13. Max CPU Time
  14. Min CPU Time
  15. Flow Message Average CPU Time
  16. Input Messages
  17. Total Input Message Size
  18. Max Input Message Size
  19. Min Input Message Size
  20. Flow Threads Count In Pool
  21. Flow Maximum Reached Thread Count
  22. MQ Error Count
  23. Count Messages With Error
  24. Processing Error Count
  25. Timeout Transactions
  26. Committed Transactions
  27. Backout Transactions


Flow Node's KPIs:

  1. Flow Node Average Elapsed Time Per Message
  2. Flow Node Average CPU Time Per Message
  3. Flow Node Message Rate
  4. Flow Node Input Terminal Count
  5. Flow Node Output Terminal Count


Communication Protocols:

  • REST
  • MQTT
Service Provisioning Tools
IBM Data Power GatewayIBM Integration BusIBM WSRR
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155